Top 10 Best Movie Weapons of All Time

The Top Ten
1 Death Star (Star Wars Saga)
2 The Alien Assault Rifle (District 9)
3 Lightsaber (Star Wars Saga)
4 BFG 9000 (DOOM)
5 Chain Mace (Kill Bill Vol. 1)
6 Proton Pack (Ghostbusters)
7 The Top Secret X-Ray Railgun (Eraser)
8 Deckard's Gun (Blade Runner)
9 The Noisy Cricket (Men in Black)
10 Iron Man Suits (Iron Man Series)
The Contenders
11 The Auto-9 (Robocop)
12 'Ol Painless Mini-Gun (Predator)

A gun fit for a 'sexual tyrannosaurus' who wants to tear up anyone or anything on the wrong side of the jungle.

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