Top Ten Movies You'd Rather Just Stream Off the Internet

Of course a lot of movies come out that you think are worth seeing on the big screen and some movies come out that you'd rather just wait for until they hit the shelves. The movies on this list don't fit under either classification. These movies are ones that aren't quite worth the price of admission or the price of a Blu ray (or even DVD for that matter). They also may just be ones you don't want to be seen watching for whatever reason (wink wink). These are movies that you'd still like to check out, only from the financially comfortable view of your kitchen table chair on the screen of your dust-covered laptop screen. This list compiles the top movie choices that you'd rather just stream off the internet.P.S. This list is being made by someone who doesn't have Netflix or TiVo.
The Top Ten
1 Showgirls
2 Cars 2
3 Sin City
4 Man of Steel
5 The Expendables 3
6 Howard the Duck
7 Scary Movie
8 Sharknado
9 The Lone Ranger (2013)
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