Best Music Reviewers/Critics/Scholars on TheTopTens

The Top Ten
1 WonkeyDude98
2 ProPanda
3 Swellow
4 Zach808
5 Alpha101
6 jack2244
7 Martin_Canine

Very underrated I think seriously this guy is one of the best.

8 Therandom

Only because of The Voice.

9 DCfnaf

I review movies most of the time as opposed to music, but I guess my remixes would count as "mini Reviews"

10 elmoworldrocksisback
The Contenders
11 AlphaQ
12 PhenomentalOne

Bottom of the barrel.

13 VideoGamefan5
14 christangrant

I am mostly a critic of classic albums from the 60's 70's 80's 90's but I can criticize modern music as well

15 cjWriter1997
16 Du
17 PositronWildhawk
18 PetSounds

Easily some of the best music-related stuff in the site's history.

19 Puga
20 lovefrombadlands
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