Top Ten Songs with the Most Disturbing Titles
I guess that title's one reason for a title like that.
This band should never live again.

Not that bad at first thought. Now, imagine yourself going ice fishing, falling in, and being unable to find the hole, which is slowly getting frozen over. Now it's pretty scary, huh?
Every other title here is purely for shock value. This actually creeps me out.

Every time I hear this song's name, I just cringe and think, "What kind of psychopath would even think of that?" I think it needs no explanation.
Um, I'll be over there trying to get the idea of this out of my head.
Is this some kind of cannibal song?
If you light a baby on fire, I guess you wouldn't mind if I did the same to you.

A combination of "suicide" and "society?"

Whoever wrote this "song" needs to get off of at least nine of the drugs they're on.
These are just awful! Puppies on acid?!

Why are you listening to songs like this?
The Newcomers

This one was originally called Conor Clapton Committed Suicide Because His Father Sucks.
I committed suicide because I hate my life and I hate people.

That is just horrible. I can't describe this without using the F word.

"God, what a disgusting title! It must be a terrible song!" says most people. When actually, it's not. It's an amazing, anti-rape song.
Like, who would write a song about kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach and make fun of a miscarriage? Very offensive, if you ask me.
This is just...awful! How could someone even think about doing that?! This band is messed up, to say the very least.
Way more disturbing than the Michael Bolton title. On the other hand, as far as I know, almost everything Anal C does is disturbing. That's pretty much the point.

Well, he is singing about a pedophile. Although that sounds a little disturbing, it is a good song. And he's not trying to promote pedophilia.
Getting your ding dongs ripped by a chainsaw. Disgusting.