Most Overrated Bad Songs
This is a list about bad songs, that get talked about too much. I should state, that this is different from the worst songs, and most overrated songs lists. As, this is simply just bad songs that people talk about too much.Oh look, is another thread of "hated pop songs that maybe we didn't say THEY ARE BAD enough", also none of this songs is overrated, most of the reception that they get were mixed to negative, isn't Friday a living example of songs that everyone even the most contrarian person will agree is awful, stop doing this godly stupid lists
Reply to the list description: talking too much about how bad this song is, doesn't make it overrated. It makes it overhated.
After reading the description for this list. I understand the point of the list.
I think all of them are just hated. Most deserve the hate too.
Underrated. I hate Believer and like this (Expects angry opinion disrespecters)
How is this overrated in any way?
This one I actually agree with since many people like this song. Many of my friends at school like this song too and I'm like "WHY? "
This? Overrated? Nah.
The Newcomers
How is this not here. This song is both crap and overrated.
Only popular because of Cardi B, That's it.
True! My younger cousin plays this earrape everyday. Can't wait to burn his Evil, Hate Filled Female album CD in the fireplace.