Top 10 Songs that Could Have Been James Bond Themes

It sounds so much like a Bond theme!

Propellerheads have proved before with their remix of On Her Majesty's Secret Service that they have the right material for it. Add vocals to Take California, and you have it!

I know this song was the main song for "Batman Forever," but Bono's vocals and the lyrics perfectly match Bond, so it would be perfect for a 007 film. Although, in my opinion, the music doesn't match Bond that well, so if they eventually did use this song for a Bond movie, they could redo the music so it could fit better with Bond. That's just my opinion, so if you don't agree, take it with a tiny grain of salt.
Agreed with this as soon as I saw it. Could actually visualize James Bond in the title credits. And it's quite a powerful song. Also, like the idea of Kiss from a Rose.
Brilliant list, PositronWildhawk!

I never liked Moonraker. But at least it would have an amazing song if this was it.
Not what you'd think of as a Bond theme, but it sounds so much like one.

Soon after I made this list, I Googled songs that could be Bond themes, and Muse was a popular choice.
I love Muse, and this song has that trademark Bond chord progression.
James Bond and Muse? Didn't think it was possible, but it's happened!

Baby! I could compare you to a kiss from a rose!

OK, now you think I've flipped my lid. But I think it would be good, and that's that.

It is an amazing cover, and I personally think it is better than the original song. Also, Michael Bublé's strong voice and all the jazz music make it worth a Bond theme.
The Newcomers

This song was originally written in 1995 as the proposed theme song for the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye, but Arista Records pulled the band out of the project. Too bad, The Juvenile is a very cool song. It would be a great Bond theme.

Alter the lyrics slightly, but it could well be up there.

Could make a great modern-day James Bond theme song.