Weirdest Names

The Top Ten

Means "poop" in spanish lol Imagine taking your child named caca to mexico or spain, he/she would easily get made fun of

In third grade, I would call my BFF Cassie CaCa and she would call me Wiwi, short for Olivia, but sometimes she would call me Wittermelon. We were so stupid back then.

Why On EARTH Would You Name Your Child After Poop? That's So RUDE!


Holly crap! What is wrong with poppy's parents! They are probably fat.

It's not nice to say this is a bad name. My name is Poopy

Disgusting. I hate that word (and saying it too).


It used to be a common nickname for Richard

Its another word for a certain body part


Why does this sound like SpongeBob?


Sounds like the name of an obsecure disease old people can catch.


I don't know about this but I read about an incident (in 2016) when a UK woman wanted to name her daughter Cyanide as she thought "it's a lovely name" and "positive because it killed Hitler and Goebbels".
She had twins, wanted to name the other 8 month old kid "Preacher".
...both were removed from her care, now - living with foster parents who named them "Annie" and "Harrie".

Oh my gosh could you imagine how bad people would pick at you?! I'm mean that is wrong! Think about it... "Hi my names Drug! "

Hey, Drug, how ya doing'?
Sounds so weird and insulting, suggesting that they're on them! Why would you want to be called or call someone "Drug"?!

Sunshine Rain Water

Why would anyone name a person after weather?

What kind of name is Sunshine Rain Water?!

Sound like the name for a Mary Sue.


Is this a boy or girl name. I cannot pronounce it and I don't know what it means. This name is terrible, horrible, and simply the worst name on your list.

The Newcomers

? Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb1116

Some parents in Sweden tried to name their child this and pronounced it "Albin".

? Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii

I once read a news article about a girl from New Zealand who had this name and changed it because her name was embarrassing

The Contenders

Quincy is the name of my best friend's younger sister.
Actually, my best friend has 7 sisters and brothers, and she's the oldest.

Who names a kid after John Quincy Adams


June is a GREAT name! It's not weird! April and May are named after months, why not June?

Mike: What's the month today June?
June: June?
Mike: Well, yes I'm talking to you June.
June: JUNE!

I think June is a cute name. It could be short for Juniper.


Anyone who gives their baby this name wants their child to be the best, the best there ever was

What! This name is like volcanic ash


What person names their kid lettuce? The name Amabel I get only because it's an extremely old name (older than Annabelle, Anabel, however you spell it) and it makes sense to be a name, but Lettuce is just messed up.

My bffs real actual name is this guys and I am sorry for swearing in this minecraft server


You could call them Ronnie for short or maybe it is short for Veronica


That is the most unfortunate name I have heard. Other than Poopy of course.


Bob is the best name in the whole wide world! (No offense other people.) -UnicornSwirlyPop


Certain type of people would LOVE this person


Yesss Lyrics with her best friend String and her step-brother chord. Did I mention her Father tambourine and her mother Tula Does The Hula From Hawaii

There's a Lyric at my school, same with a Cyber.

This name actually sounds kinda cool

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