Top Ten Best New Plants vs. Zombies 2 Plants

Plants vs. Zombies introduced a ton of new plants! Many of them are fan-favorites. But which one is the best?
The Top Ten
1 Citron

Citron costs 350 sun. He charges for 10 seconds and attacks for 40 damage. His PF allows it to kill all zombies on a lane in front of a machine zombie. It OHKOs Machine zombies and Gargantuars, but stops at there.

2 Snapdragon

Snapdrgon costs 150 sun. It attacks in the three rows in front of it. This attack melts ice and can re-ignite Torches. Its PF allows it to shoot fire in the three squares in front of it, killing Pharaoh zombies and weaker.

3 Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce is free. It freezes the first zombie that goes in contact with it, taking out torches and dynamite as well. Its PF freezes all zombies on screen.

4 Spring Bean
5 Bonk Choy
6 Lightning Reed

THis thing on level ten is overpowered

7 E.M.Peach
8 Power Lily
9 Infi-nut
10 Laser Bean
The Contenders
11 Hurrikale
12 Nightshade

Very useful when powered

13 Headbutter Lettuce
14 Draftodil
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