Top 10 Nominations for 2015 TheTopTens Ceremony

This is gonna be epic this year. Now cosmo, patrickstar, garythesnai. And the newcomers are focused with the others
The Top Ten
1 Best Couple of TheTopTens (Britson,BlueSnailFromNowhere and WolfLizards)

WolfLizards isn't existent anymore so shut up and stop shipping it. I already have a boyfriend who I will choose over SevenLizards any day. SevenLizards isn't my soulmate, people! He never was.

Objection! Garythesnail and BlueDiamondFromNowhere broke up and WolfLizards is nonexistent. At least Britgirl and Keyson are still dating.

The trophy this year is gold with a silver heart at the top

Garythesnail and Bluediamondfromnowhere broke up a month ago.

2 Best Fanboy/Girl from TV Show (cosmo for The Fairy Odd Parents and GarytheSnail with PatrickStar from Spongebob Squarepants)

Trophy this year is a gold trophy with a nick logo

3 Best Female TopTenners of All Time (Britgirl ,BlueDiamondfromNowhere)

The trophy this year is a women cancer ribbon made silver

4 Creative TopTenner of all Time (positronwildhawk,alexandr,kryson and britgirl)

And last but not least, the trophy this year will be a pencil writing in a paper made from gold

I think that some others should be on here too.

Not gonna lie, I'm a little bit hurt.

5 Best Male TopTenner of All Time (keyson,beatles,alexandr and kiteretsunu)

The trophy this year had a spelled COOL and made of silver

Beatles?! You're going back to 2013 with that one.

Umm, shouldn't Positronwildhawk be here?

6 Newest TopTenners of All Time (keycha1n, minecraftcrazy, cosmo, patrickstar, princesssmooth)

Thanks to whoever added this!

7 Best New User
8 Most Intelligent TopTennners of All Time (keycha1n, PositronWildhawk, BKAllmighty, Britgirl and MostTalented_BoyX)
9 Most Inspiring TopTenners Of All Time (PositronWildhawk, keycha1n, BKAllmighty, Britgirl, Petsounds and MostTalented_BoyX)
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