Top Ten Most Notorious Final Fantasy Monsters

You know about bosses, but what about regular enemies? They can be just as bad.
The Top Ten
1 Malboro
2 Tonberry

Little green dude with Everyone's Grudge counter attack and usually instakill Chef's Knife.

3 Cactuar

1000 Needles but it's a good pool of gaining ability points for characters.

4 Bomb

Not as notable as you may think, but then again, it's title says it all. Don't kill it properly and it'll explode taking a chunk of health away.

5 Behemoth

Naturally one of the bigger ones to show up, this guy is always amongst the strongest enemies ever.

6 Adamantoise

Defense is what this monster is about.

7 Magic Pot

"Gimme an elixir! "

8 Flan
9 Manticore
10 Sand Worm
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