Top Ten Best Number, Algebra and Shape and Space Subjects

The Top Ten
1 Multiplication (Level 4)

Easy and Good Practice for kids to challenge themselves to harder questions. Without Multiplication, It would be nearly Impossible to do any maths work (Level 4) Onwards.
1. 3 x 6 =18 3. 7 x 5 = 35
2. 9 x 9 = 81

2 Expand and Simplify (Level 6)
3 Perimeter and Area (Level 5)
4 Inequalities and Simultaneous Equations (Level 5)
5 Volume and Surface Area (Level 6)
6 Ratio and Proportion (Level 5)
7 Coordinates and Graphs (Level 6)
8 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (Level 4, Level 6)
9 Midsegments of Triangles (Level 8)
10 Angles In Parallel Lines (Level 5)
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