Reasons 1 Is a Better, More Significant Number Than 2, 3, 4 and 5
The Top Ten
1 Any number is divisible by 1
2 It is the lowest possible positive number
Well 2 is easier to do math problems with! But 1 is even easier to use in math problems... I'm sticking to my list though!
It is the lowest possible positive INTEGER number. Also, what's with these number lists lately?
I think this is going too far.
Besides all decimals
3 It usually describes the best
4 It is the position everyone wants to be
5 You get 1 chance at life
6 You serve the one ring
Lord of the Rings.. One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them...
Lord Of The Rings!
7 It is unique
I love the number one
8 It describes loneliness
9 There is 1 world
Yes but... That world is built for 2, don't forget about holy trinity, we have 4 seasons & the biggest planet in Solar system was discovered 5th...
P.S. at least 1 is much better than 6, lol!
10 It is the Chosen One
The Contenders
11 It is able to describe something unique and special
12 It symbolizes unity
13 It is very cute
How is a number cute?
14 It is the only positive non-prime and non-composite integer
One is a very special number!
15 It is a title of a great Metallica song
16 It is the only one that is a perfect square, a cube, and a step shape
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