Top Ten Observations About Men

WARNING! If you are a man of a sensitive disposition, do not read on!
All others are welcome :)
The Top Ten
1 Real men don't love the most beautiful girl in the world. They love the girl who can make their world the most beautiful
2 Men making love is like having a bank account. They lose interest when they withdraw

The good ones don't lose interest. They've simply exhausted all of their assets.

3 Men are like wine: some turn to vinegar but the best improve with age.
4 Men who don't understand women fall into two categories: Bachelors and husbands.
5 Menstrual tension; menopause; mental illness...Notice how Women's problems start with men?

Are you saying that women are mentally ill? That would explain a lot.

6 If another girl steals your man, the best revenge is to let her keep him. Real men can't be stolen.
7 Men are like mascara - they run at the first sign of emotion
8 Men of 25 play football; men of 40 play tennis; men of 60 play golf. Notice how their balls get smaller with age?

Cute. Ya know, football was invented by a droopy middle-aged woman. Figgered since she was always kickin'em around, might as well get royalties. That's why we call'em "soccer moms" today.

9 There are only two things wrong with men: everything they do and everything they say.

And yet, you still believe us. Ironic.
'Course, couldn't possibly be that women often hear and see what is not, could it?

10 Behind every foolish man is a clever woman; lifting his wallet and nudging him off a cliff
The Contenders
11 Men's biggest weakness is a woman who can trick his mind into thinking she's good for him.
12 A man with good intentions makes promises. A man with good character keeps them.
13 Experienced men need no one to "massage their wilting egos"; they've learned that the only affirmation that really matters is their own
14 Men aren't always as tough as they seem. Most of the time they are softies inside. It's just a shame it's frowned upon for men to show they care.
15 Men are just as ticklish as a woman
16 Not all guys are pro athletes.
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