Top 10 Most Obvious Observations

The Top Ten
1 You are currently viewing a list on TheTopTens

No, you are dreaming this. You are actually in a simulation known as the Matrix. Find Morpheus in New York. Take the red pill. Be enlightened.


A list? On TheTopTens? I thought it was a video on YouTube?

It's a figment of imagination; it's all in my head.

Really? I thought this was 4chan

2 Water is wet

But water is wet that doesn't make any sense it's still wet if it hasn't made any contact to objects and us that's just dumb- Kevinsidis

Water is a desert.

Water is dry, duh!

3 You are a human

No, I am a primitive specimen who was evolved from chimpanzees. I am an animal.

I prefer the term intelligent earth organism, thank you very much.

Err... How many times do I have to say this?! I'm an Owl for pete's sake

No alien, let me show a picture, :_:

4 You are alive

Or can Quantum mechanics or the String Theory disprove it? - Kevinsidis

No, I'm dead AND alive at the same time.

False. We are in a simulation.

I wonder who's in purgatory

5 The sky is blue

Right now, the sun is just rising here, so the sky is reddish in colour

I thought it was lime green

Not necessarily the case.

What if it's nighttime?

6 Grass is green

Sometimes, they can be yellow too

The grass is burnt, honey.

7 You are breathing air

Really? I thought I was breathing underwater this whole time!

Nope! I don't need to breath air! I'm an alien!

I'm breathing in pollution.

I was breathing wood

8 Earth is a planet

No, it's a teardrop from a deity being frozen at the right time.

Or is it a moon? Or a star?

Or is it a Dinosaur

No, Earth is dirt.

9 The sun is yellow

Why does the sun seem to be completely dark, Mommy?

Another thing to teach colorblind people

10 You have eyes

Funny how I observe many things in my own eyes and that I know I have eyes without looking at its own entirety.

Yes, but is it better than tennis balls?

Then how come some people can't see?

The Contenders
11 The Earth is round

No, it's a hammer and sickle.

I thought it was a cube!

12 Your birthday is on the same day you were born

UNTRUE! I'm an alien, things are different for aliens :_:

No, I was born on July 64th but my birthday is September 18.

I thought my birthday is picked by the state

But what if you were born on a leap year?

13 You can read

I know not everyone can read, but it's obvious that you can because you're here reading this list.

No I can't, I'm reading this in brail!

Not everyone can.

14 People die when they are killed
15 You have two legs

Not everyone has legs you know...

NO! I have ten! I'm an alien!

16 You are reading this item


17 You know what this says
18 Phoenixes are not real

*Names future child Phoenix*
Me: Now they are.

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