Top Ten Most Offensive Comments on the Internet

The Top Ten
1 There are nothing but idiots on YouTube

Actually the people in the YouTube comment section are stupid.

2 Atheists are so stupid

They're not stupid, but most I've seen are rude, same with other Christians and other religions.

3 Every single piece of art on deviant art is bad

You can find good art on DeviantArt as long as you don't search anything bad

4 Apple/Samsung users are retarded

Retarded is still used as an insult?

5 You should kill yourself because you are autistic

This and the comment about people who eat meat are worse than the ones above because at least they are not telling people to die.

Whoever said this. I would punch that person in the face. This is offensive and I don't tolerate this.

I'm autistic and I'm not supposed to do this. Also, it's offensive to autistic people.

What's worse is that I actually encountered one of these before. Autistic= People who think different from a "normal" person, and I'd rather be autistic than think like that guy. :(

6 Meat eaters should die

That's like telling 98% of adults in the US they should die. Only 2% of adults in the United States are currently vegan or vegetarian.

People can eat meat if they want to! We have our own decisions!

This is what almost every PETA article is saying.

7 I hate white people
8 I hate black people
9 Jews are greedy a**holes

These are oddly specific. I feel like to make this list someone told there name random offensive comments.

Tell me, have you ever seen the way that Filburt is portrayed in the Rocko's Modern Life fanfic Filburt's Postmodern Wife? Because that right there, let me tell you, is the literal EMBODIMENT of this

10 God is real you idiots

You can say God is real but without calling people idiots!

Calling people idiots for not believing in God shows how intolerant you are

The Contenders
11 Saying that people are beautiful even when they are lying

There are people in the world that I don't find very beautiful at all, and it's my opinion. So what!

12 F*** the human race

You hate yourself then? Since you are human

13 Gays are Stupid
14 Lesbians are Stupid

This comment is stupid

15 You will not replace us.
16 Girls are Trash
17 Boys are Trash
18 Religions are Terrible
19 Screw you

Yes, someone replied my comment in that list; Things that Make Ralph Breaks the Internet a Terrible Movie. This is really offensive to say that.

20 Kys

Acronym for "kill yourself".

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