Top Ten One Piece Antagonists

The Top Ten
1 Donquixote Doflamingo Donquixote Doflamingo is a fictional character of the One Piece manga franchise created by Eiichiro Oda. Doflamingo was the captain of the Donquixote Pirates, a former Shichibukai with a frozen bounty of 340,000,000 Beli, the most influential underworld broker under the codename "Joker", and is a former World Noble of the Donquixote Family descent.

Best most epic villain which was hyped up for 600 episodes (since they showed Bellamy's crew getting attacked by him) and it all paid off.

Donquixote Doflamingo alias "Joker", was the main antagonist during the Dressrosa arc, was one of the Shichibukai

2 Katakuri

He is the best antagonist because he has many heroic traits but opposes Luffy.

He made an impact of the story and I hope he shows up in the future. I would like to see him smile when Big Mom is defeated since she treated all her children badly

Katakuri wanted Luffy to beat her

Badass, cool, honorable. Best "villain" ever.

Both badass and likable

3 Marshall D. Teach Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard in the anime and manga series "One Piece" by Eiichiro Oda, is a notorious pirate inspired by the real-life pirate Edward Teach, or Blackbeard. He is unique for wielding the powers of two Devil Fruits, a feat thought impossible, which grant him both darkness... read more

He is probably the most realistic depiction of a pirate we will get in one piece. Also his deli fruit is badass

Marshall D. Teach alias "Black Beard", is one of the current Yonko

4 Sir Crocodile

Crocodile was the first villain to pose a threat and currently has the record for the most times he has defeated Luffy. Two times he has defeated him and both times he should have perished, (Luffy could have died at the third matchup if it were not for Robin saving his life). Crocodile has a powerful devil fruit wit the only downside that it is extremely vulnerable to water.
Crocodile was cruel and a very smart villain and could have ended the Straw Hats had it not been for the sudo-sacrifice of Pel the Falcon.
He also saved Luffy and Ace's lives at Marineford. Luffy as a reward for letting him free and Ace to spite the marines.
He is truly a fantastic villain that ended up being an anti-hero.

Sir Crocodile, was the main antagonist during the Alabasta arc, was one of the Shichibukai

5 Rob Lucci

Fun Fact: The same Japanese voice actor for Rob Lucci from One Piece also voices Gilgamesh from the Fate series!

Rob Lucci, was the main antagonist during the Enies Lobby arc, is one of the current CP-0 Members

6 Akainu Sakazuki, formerly known by his admiral alias Akainu is a fictional character in the One Piece franchise created by Eiichiro Oda. He is the current fleet admiral of the Marines. Because of his actions, Akainu was one of the main antagonists of the Marineford Arc and after his promotion, he became one of the central antagonists of the series.

Sakazuki alias "Akainu", is the current fleet admiral of the Marines

7 Kizaru
8 Charlotte Linlin / Big Mom
9 Kaido

Kaido is the real beast. He will be the main antagonist of wano. After white beard he is the strongest creature in the series.

10 Buggy

Buggy alias "Buggy the Star Clown", was one of the first Antagonists in One Piece, is one of the current Shichibukai

The Contenders
11 Enel

Enel alias "God Enel", was the main antagonist during the Skypia arc

12 Imu Sama
13 Magellan

Magellan, was the main antagonist during the Impel Down arc, was the chief warden of Impel Down

He's just a guy doing his job, except when he has diarrhea.

14 Gekko Moriah

Gekko Moriah, was the main antagonist during the Thriller Bark arc, was on of the Shichibukai

15 Jabura
16 Arlong Saw-Tooth Arlong is a sawshark fishman. He was the pirate captain of the all fishman crew, the Arlong Pirates and a former member of the Sun Pirates. He is known for being the main villain in the Arlong Arc and had the highest bounty in East Blue before being defeated by Monkey D. Luffy. Like many other One Piece characters, he has his own unique laugh, which is "Shahahahaha". Arlong considers humans to be inferior beings and is very cruel to them. He is constantly stuck by this mentality that his people are superior to humans in every way. He seems to prefer controlling people with money and deals (like Nami and Nezumi) rather than kill them. He has an eye for spotting exploitable talent that more.

Arlong alias "Arlong the Saw", was the last antagonist of the East Blue saga

Why is buggy above him?

17 Hody Jones
18 Captain Kuro

He was devil, he made everyone feel like he loved them and has been kaya's servant and friend for years. The aim of It was to kill them all

19 Dick

What can I say, he's simply wicked

20 Charlotte Smoothie
21 Charlotte Oven
22 Kaku
23 Vander Decken
24 Caesar Clown
25 Wapol

Wapol is an evil villain that likes to torture people
He is an idiot

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