Best Online Plagiarism Checkers

At this time, a lot of people are using plagiarism checkers. Many universities have a mandatory plagiarism check for all essays submitted by its students. Bloggers and writers are using them to be sure that their writing is completely original. Online plagiarism checkers are so useful because they’re accessible from every part of the world if you have a computer and Internet. So, meet the list of the best online plagiarism checkers.
The Top Ten
1 Unicheck

Fast as a light and provides a report with accurate results. The feature I like most of all is the identification of incorrectly formatted citations.

Visit Website
2 Turnitin Visit Website
3 PlagTracker Visit Website
5 PlagScan
6 Small SEO Tools

It's a free tool, but it has a 2000 word limit for one search. As for me, it's quite embarrassing. Also, it doesn't show a list of all resources, but redirect you to Google search string

7 PaperRater
8 Copyscape
9 PLText
10 Grammica
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