Our Policy on Profane Comments

admin When we first started the site we were admittedly desperate for comments. Because of this, we were a bit more lax about the comments we would accept. While we have never allowed comments that use profane language (at least not anything worse than what you hear in the typical episode of the Simpsons), we were more inclined to edit comments to remove foul language or to replace it with *'s or other fillers.

Today things have changed somewhat. Now we get enough comments that a) we don't have to spend the time massaging questionable comments and b) we don't have the time to do so even if we wanted to.

As a result, we are far more likely to delete profane comments then try to convert them into a PG version, however, exceptions are sometimes made for comments that are worth the effort. So if a comment is simply "f*** yeah!", "he's f****** hit", or "they are the s***", it will probably be rejected.


I'm glad to see you take a stansd against profanity - butters100

Profanity's the worst! - thedude

Pretty annoying - Bec

Thank you! - Darrell

im glad about that and what if someone make a list about "most insulting profanity words"? - ronluna

Thanks, that's great! - moose4life19

good to see there is a rule on profanity. its about time. however, i think that if the people righting the comments and are cencoring said comments, the comments should be displayed - fireinside96

Thanks. I don't like swearing that much. - PizzaGuy

This is stupid. Most users are 12 and over, this isn't supposed to be a PG site. If users can't handle swearing or fighting, they should leave. - visitor

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