Top Ten Most Overrated Final Fantasy Villains

The Top Ten
1 Kefka Palazzo Kefka Palazzo is a character in the Final Fantasy series of video games. Originally designed by Yoshitaka Amano, he appears in the 6th installment of the series - Final Fantasy VI.

Too overrated. Kuja can easily defeat Kefka, even in his god form.

Kuja>Every Final Fantasy villain

Superman 64>Kefka and Sephiroth

He sucks enough said

2 Sephiroth Sephiroth is a fictional character and main antagonist in the role-playing video game Final Fantasy VII developed by Square.

He sucks, especially in crossovers. Enough said.

He's awesome enough said

3 Kuja
4 Ultimecia
5 Emperor Gestahl
6 Jecht
7 Cloud of Darkness
8 Jenova
9 Hojo
10 Gilgamesh
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