Top Ten Most Overrated Items In Minecraft

The Top Ten
1 Gold Ore

Believe it or not, despite the crappy endurance, gold picks mine faster than diamond picks. Just bring 1 or 2 if you go mining (or 37,000.)

Wood is actually better.

2 Emerald Ore

Overrated for villagers! Definitely the most overrated ore. Not gold

So useless besides trading

3 Diorite

Lol the new stones all look like crap

4 T.N.T
5 Glass Panes
6 Redstone Torch
7 Glowstone
8 Flint
9 Wooden Stairs
10 Shovel
The Contenders
11 Diamond Ore

Diamond ore is not rare, spawning odds is around 7. Plus, you need a lot of things to do before diamond.

I don't think this is overrated its useful but rare

12 Diamond Sword
13 Deadbush
14 Netherite
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