Top Ten Most Overrated Types of People

People who are thought of as cool but are actually annoying. Not generalizing, just saying the majority. Sorry nice people, you are in the minority
The Top Ten
1 Dumb Jocks

I thought annoying, talkative classmates was worse. Boy, I was wrong. Even worse, these jockstraps think they are better than "nerds"! ( I'll give you a hint- they are not)

It's these people who base their self-worth on the laws of probability that makes me lose faith in the human race.

Nuisance to society, bullying nerds for not being sporty when in the end they have no brain

SO TRUE! Idgaf about how many touchdowns you did last night, you're just an over-competitive non-studying fool

2 Hipsters

I just got a job as a hipster! My only job is to find out what is popular just so I could do the exact opposite even if I like it, and make my own clique in order to not be in a clique

Hipsters... I am kind of one. But I also kind of don't like them...

Who needs them? They're worthless.

3 Hippies

I don't mind that anyone put them in this list because I'm no hippie lover. Hell, they're such pacifists it makes me sick.

Protest everything, boycott every store, and never shower

4 Preps

Annoying idiotic bullies who are good at nothing and make fun of anybody with any talent. "Ew drama club geek" "ugh that nerd is in band" "a majority? Disgusting." "I hate those chorus members" "that kid got straight A's. Nerd! "

Dumb Jocks and Cheerleaders

5 Emos

Basically goths who break the law less

6 Goths

People who think they rock because they do drugs

What's wrong with goths? It's just a fashion choice.

7 Bronies A brony is an adult male fan of the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The fandom gained enormous popularity during the 2010s.

Overrated?! They're UNDERRATED!

8 Celebrities

Being a celebrity has good and bad. Good - You would no longer be poor, everyone has some sort of talent except some celebrities are famous for fame, imagine living in a mansion. Bad - Social media oh the hate its like being bullied at school, boredom, famous people have been murdered.

Some are good, it would be cool to meet one, but at the end of the day they are just well known people

9 Shy People

That's kind of an oxymoron here. Shy people- someone who doesn't like attention- is being called overrated ( which means too much attention! ). Lol, what a fail. You can say that non shy people are overrated as well! ( no offense).

They shouldn't be on this list! There's nothing wrong with being shy. Honestly, is the person who put them on here some kind of prejudiced bully?

It's not their fault they're shy. They just hate being thrust into the spotlight and prefer to stay in the back.

Do you mind telling what's wrong with shy people?

10 Attractive People

Its stupid to be treated better because of looks.

The Contenders
11 Shippers
12 Athletes

Just playing sports and nothing else and they get paid the big bucke what.

13 Homosexuals

What wrong with this

14 Pastel Goths
15 Geeks

Being a geek is awesome! Whoever put them on here must be some nerd-hating jock.

Watch out, the grammer police is gonna get ya!

16 Trump lovers/haters
17 Politicians
18 Evolutionists
19 High School Seniors

Just Graduated and agree

20 LGBT People
21 Transexuals
22 Asexuals
23 Intersexuals
24 MLG Fans
25 Anti-Bronies
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