Top 10 Parody Names for Peppa Pig

The Top Ten
1 Pepper Pig

Sounds very alike.

2 Stupid Pig

Make this one

3 Peppa Brat
4 Adolf Pigler

There's no way Peppa is like Hitler.

5 Peppa Bacon
6 Peppa Sucks
7 Peppa Stinks

This one is funny!

8 Peppa Pain
9 Hillary Pig
10 Hooker Pig
The Contenders
11 Peepa Poop
12 Pepperoni

Did you know that pepperoni comes from pigs? So that is how I came up with this.

I'm insulting PIZZA!

Oh my god I'm dying

13 Peppa Pink

peppa : I'm the pink queen! leah ashe : no your not I am me : leah ashe is the pink queen leah ashe : people always say I'm the pink queen peppa : MUMMY THEIR BULLYING ME mummy : no leah ashe is the pink queen peppa : NOOO WHY mummy : because I said so me : LOL peppa deserve it!

14 Pee Pa Pig

LOL! I burst out laughing at this one!

Pee Pa Pig is my favourite one

"Bursts Into Laughter"

15 Peppa Idiot
16 Peppa Dick
17 Peppa Penis

I thought this would be funny...

Her face does look like one.

I died laughing.

18 Pippa Pork

This actually exists online. I mean, there's no YouTube episodes, but episode transcripts can be found on the Peppa Pig Fanon Wiki. Just search up "Pippa pork" on the PP fanon wiki and you'll easily find it. It's so funny

19 Peppa Creep
20 Poopa Pig
21 Peppa Crap
22 Idiot Pig
23 Peppa Pikii
24 Gay Pig

You mean lesbian pig? Anyway also add porkys dumb sister or cousin to the list.

25 Cancer Pig

No cancer jokes.

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