Top Ten Penis Sizes

Let's face it, size matters. Here are penis sizes that are good.
The Top Ten
1 21 cm

OH! You've caught me voting on a list about penis sizes...
Before you say anything, I want to make it quite clear to all that I am NOT an expert in this field. I don't know why I came here. I was just...well... Gah! It's all too embarrassing. I'll...I'll just get out of here shall I? Er, bye!

2 1 cm

Ah yes fellow penis connoisseurs, and over here we have the best size. The One Centimeter Microdick.

3 20 cm

I'm just gonna vote this because this is how big mine is

4 17 cm

7 inches best

5 16 cm
6 18 cm
7 19 cm

Ah yes, the perfect penis

8 14 cm
9 15 cm
10 2 cm
The Contenders
11 12 cm
12 13 cm
13 30 cm
14 34 cm

The longest recorded size a penis has ever grown.
By Jonah Adam.

The bigger the better!

15 26 cm
16 11 cm

This is mine but I wish it was bigger

17 10 cm
18 9 cm
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