Top 10 Ways Girls & Women are Awesome

I am NOT saying that boys and men are terrible, nor am I saying that the items listed below do not apply to boys and men. However, over 99% of girls and women have those extraordinary traits listed below. If you are a female top tenner (or a female human being in general), then this list is for you.

If you are a male top tenner (or a male human being in general), don't take it personally because some of the amazing traits that nearly all girls and women have might apply to you as well.

I decided to create this list because there have been lists oppressing girls (Top Ten Reasons to Hate Girls, Top 10 Reasons Why Girls Suck, and Top Ten Reasons Guys Are Stronger Than Girls). With those kinds of lists on this website, it would be nice to have an uplifting list about girls for a change.

I apologize if you feel offended.
The Top Ten
1 They grow babies in their womb for roughly 9 months

I dislike it when that's used as an argument for why we're awesome or important. Not all women want children, and not all can have them biologically.

If you think about it, we all grew in our mothers' wombs at once.

And you say men are stronger than women?

2 They're usually less violent than boys & men

Not always, but most of the time.

3 They're funny

I don't see why men think women can't be funny. I mean, it isn't even logical at this point. Humor has nothing to do with who you are.

4 They're intelligent
5 They're confident
6 They're beautiful
7 They perform amazingly in sports

Girls are really good at sports like track & field, swimming, gymnastics, soccer, football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, water polo, and many others.

8 They're nurturing
9 They're sweet
10 They smell wonderful
The Contenders
11 They're mature

They mature faster than men and also think faster than them. They even have excellent ideas to help us all in life.

12 They don't waste food
13 They're nice
14 They're polite
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