Top 10 Best Millionaire Dating Sites

Millionaire dating has become increasingly popular in recent years, partly due to the success of the TV show Millionaire Matchmaker. Many singles now aspire to find partners who are millionaires, with a stable financial status and a good education.

The millionaire dating sites featured here cater to a variety of preferences and needs. Hopefully, we can help you find the right one for you.
The Top Ten

As a woman who has been single for two years, I didn't think I could find my match so quickly. I found him - or rather, he found me - on the site just four days after I joined. We have been communicating online since then, and I must admit that I have never met anyone as sweet, kind, thoughtful, or generous in spirit as him.

Although we live in separate cities, we communicate daily, and our relationship is growing stronger. We are confident that with this growth will come a beautiful and happy future for both of us. We are arranging a meetup this week.

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Millionaire Passions

I find the site very user-friendly!

100% free online dating and social networking site for millionaires (and those attracted to them). Online since 2004.

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Date a Millionaire

A place for singles who are looking for wealthy, rich men and women. helps men and women in the US meet, date, and marry millionaires.

Rich men dating and useful tips.


This app is a brilliant way to meet people, much better than previous ones I've tried where no one talks to you. Here, people actually like to talk, or at least try. The only hard part is earning points, but if it gets you a date, you'll want those points.

It's a good site to meet beautiful women who have morals and common sense. You'll also be happy to know it gives you the option of meeting women all over the world with Luxy Travel. All in all, it's a great site.

This app definitely has potential. It's pretty cool, but they have a bit of a way to go before reaching their peak, in my opinion. They should filter out people who are already in relationships. If I indicate that I'm here to date and they show me someone who's married or in a relationship, that's a problem.

The prices to reveal who likes you, or just for the superpowers feature, are too expensive. I look forward to the future updates and features.

Millionaire Dating Agency

Fortunately, after a month of conversing, I managed to meet a handsome guy after messaging him on the website.

Millionaire’s Club

Probably one of the best sugar daddy or rich men dating websites.

The membership base is growing very quickly.

Over 270,000 members, and this dating site accepts bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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