Top 10 Philosophical Theories and Concepts Proposed by Philosophers

The Top Ten
1 "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) - Rene Descartes
2 Categorical Imperative - Immanuel Kant
3 Theory of Forms - Plato
4 The Theory of Being and Non-Being - Parmenides
5 Socratic Method - Socrates
6 Atomism - Democritus and Leucippus
7 Four Causes - Aristotle
8 Hume's Causation - David Hume
9 "Deus est omnium rerum causa immanens, non vero transiens" (God is the immanent, and not the transitive cause of all things) - Baruch Spinoza
10 "Schönheit ist Freiheit in der Erscheinung" (Beauty is freedom in appearance) - Friedrich Schiller
The Contenders
11 Collective Unconscious - Carl Jung
12 The City of God - St. Augustine
13 Labor Theory of Value - Karl Marx
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