Top Ten Phobias Most People Have

The Top Ten
1 Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders

Probably the most overrated phobia of all time

I'm scared of the first 4 options laugh out loud

definitely me

Either this or caulrophobia... Then again, I never see clowns

2 Acrophobia - Fear of Heights

Can't go on a Ferris wheel... A roller coaster maybe but not that.

I have this phobia, but I'm not sure if it's minor or full

3 Necrophobia - Fear of Dead Things/Things Associated with Death

This is what I'm scared of

4 Hadephobia - Fear of the Underworld/Hell
5 Claustrophobia - Fear of No Escape/Being in Closed Spaces
6 Achluophobia - Fear of Darkness

I have Nyctophobia (fear of the dark), which is very similar to this

7 Phasmophobia - Fear of Ghosts

Do they even exist?

8 Coulrophobia - Fear of Clowns
9 Hemophobia - Fear of Blood
10 Pyrophobia - Fear of Fire
The Contenders
11 Tripophobia - Fear of groups of small holes.

I have the complete opposite of claustrophobia, I love small, enclosed spaces.

12 Algophobia - Fear of Pain
13 Phobophobia - Fear of Developing Phobias
14 Emetophobia - Fear of Vomiting

My periods if I don't take medication, I get morning sickness.

15 Hydrophobia - Fear of Water
16 Astraphobia - Fear of Thunder and Lightning
17 Cynophobia - Fear of Dogs
18 Ophidiophobia - Fear of Snakes
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