Top Ten Physics Related Bar Jokes

Hopefully this shall be better than my original physics joke list.
The Top Ten
1 A force walks into a bar and says "Enough Torque!"

I like you very much of your craved interests of physics tell me since when are you interested in physics at what age? I became interested at this age(13)- Kevinsidis

2 A magnet walks into a bar and says "What's current?"

Since I have very limited physics, er, thingy... This one is the only one I get ergo I find it the funniest!

3 A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender says "No charge."
4 A red photon walks into a bar. Doesn't break any work function.
5 A man was uncertain about walking into a bar. It was greater than ħ.
6 A graviton walks into a bar. The bartender says "You must be having a loop!"
7 A Bose-Einstein Condensate walks into a bar and becomes drunk instantaneously. It could only be in one state.
8 A pendulum walks into a bar, wishing drinking time would never end. But the Earth was spinning underneath it.
9 A cat walks into a bar, hoping it would get through the night. The wave function had not collapsed yet.

Now that's very funny that he's still drunk and hasn't gone through the uncertain or the superposition state! - Kevinsidis

Smart use of Schrödinger's cat. Had so much fun with your list. Great list!

10 A capacitor walks into a bar, and asks how much for a drink. The bartender offers a discharge.
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