Top Ten Most Pointless Things to Do On TheTopTens

The Top Ten
1 Create Offensive Lists
2 Troll Other Users
3 Not Respect Other People's Opinions

This is a bad thing and unfortunately people do this to me.

You should respect other peoples opions

4 Use More Than One Account

What if you need a back up account?

5 Create a Account for a Joke

A user has done this before

It's called trolling.

6 Delete Your Account

There's one person who I miss so much who deleted her profile. Just why?

There are 3 users from this site that I miss. Why did they have to leave? :(

Yes if you retire just leave you profile as it is

How do you even delete your account? (am a thtopten user. Just not logged in)

7 Make a Ways to Kill List

Yes I hate this lists so could you please stop

This should not be allowed at all.

8 Piss People Off When They're Messaging You

Okay if it's joking, but don't cross the line.

Yeah you should talk to them

9 Make a Dumb List

I made 5 stupid and slapdash lists till now.

Yes I might have made 1 or 2 dumb lists

At least everyone has one.

10 Make Fun of Other People's Religion

Yes that is sad

The Contenders
11 Create a List with No Title and No Items

This is possible?

12 Make Incomplete/Short Lists
13 Add Justin Bieber to Every List

I don't like Justin Bieber, but it's pretty obvious that the anti-Bieber base is just as bad, if not worse than the Beliebers. It's not cool, and it gets really annoying to see his name getting thrown around constantly. The worst are the lists where he's considered worse than people like Hitler, Castro, and Kim Jong-Un. Those jokes aren't funny anymore, and they really weren't funny to begin with.

14 Flag Your Own Comment
15 Flag Your Own Post
16 Promote People Such As Adolf Hitler

People who do this are just joking. Seriously do you think people still worship Hitler?

And not be brave enough to identify yourself.

He is on the greatest people of all time list...

17 Make Music Lists

Okay okay it isn't original anymore, but lots of people like music.

Like almost everyone on the site made one. It's not creative.

18 Hate Justin Bieber
19 Cause and Start Drama
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