Top Ten Most Pointless Things to Fight a War Over

The Top Ten
1 Religion

Everyone in EVERYWHERE in the globe has their own religion and people SHOULD respect that! If someone is Muslim, LET THEM BE Muslim! If someone is Christian, LET THEM BE Christian! If someone is Buddhist, LET THEM BE BUDDHIST! It is so STUPID that were having wars about religion.

World Leader: I'm muslin are you?

Other Leader: No.

*war started*

You SHOULD NOT force a religion onto someone if they DON'T want to be a part of it! That is was causes these POINTLESS WARS!

2 Gay Rights

God loves everybody equally and so does jesus. Jesus died for our sins so why wouldn't he love us? IF god hates gays WOULD HE have created them? IF god hated Gays would he have cursed them? IF God hates gays would he ACTUALLY want us to kill and abuse and bully gays? None of that is true because God LOVES us ALL EQUALLY and ETERNALLY. No matter who are what we are, or gender, or race, or animal, God loves us all

3 Revenge

Taking revenge is not the best thing to do. Because all you would do is make it worse and it keeps going BACK and FORTH and BACK and FORTH and it just keeps going!

The Second World War was partly encouraged by the idea of revenge. It's why the Allies occupied Germany long after it, to get the message across: You Lost.

4 Oil

Better get on it then, because solar and wind are nowhere close to providing enough power, and they won't for 100 years.

Starting a war would consume oil. Ever thought of that? Nope, too much innocent blood's been mixed in with it now.

We can come up with a better solution like, ooh I dunno, SOLAR SUNLIGHT?!, WIND POWER?!, ELECTRICITY?!

5 Celebrities
6 Politics
7 Fandoms
8 Consoles
9 Astrology
10 Internet and Social Media
The Contenders
11 Money
12 Poop

This has amazingly happened in real life!

13 Respect
14 Ponies
15 Water
16 Pronouns
17 Genders
18 Media Formats
19 Streaming Services
20 Shopping
21 Copyright
22 Animation
23 Comics
24 Race, Nationality, and Ethnicity
25 Disabilities
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