Top 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Lost the 2020 Election
If COVID-19 is to be suppressed, lockdowns and wearing masks should be mandatory. Voting should be mandatory too, then just maybe people who don't normally vote, might take an interest in who's running the country. However, Trump has addressed none of these issues - he doesn't regard COVID-19 as being a big deal and it's cost him the election. There is no one to blame but himself.
It is true that other countries are having a worse time than the U.S. On a "per capita" basis, Belgium is by far the worst in the world, and has almost double the death rate of the US. With Spain, Italy, Great Britain, and even Argentina being worse "per capita", which is what matters. France is just fractionally better "per capita".
Yes, he got way more votes, about double of Hillary Clinton's popular vote margin, but she lost the electoral college vote, with Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania razor thinly favoring Donald Trump by less than zero point eight percent.
True but this is kind of a pointless reason when the list is supposed to be about why Trump didn’t get enough votes to win the election.
This is probably the main reason
Didn't he promise to release a wonderful healthcare plan in just two weeks? That never happened, and it wouldn't ever.
You can't pass a Healthcare Bill if Congress doesn't help you.
This guy should be dead in the future because he nearly started a war in Iran
Despite the amount of rallying Donald Trump did, he still ran a pretty terrible campaign. They are wrong on the issues and messages. Nobody cares about Hunter Biden, and there isn't a clear path as to why he wants four more years.
Trump entered the 2016 elections as an anti-establishment and outsider who captivated voters. He doesn't have that same charm in 2020 after he's in power.
More people oppose Trump than support him, but Republicans have done an okay performance in the house, most likely because people tend to prefer their policies than what a few Democrats tried to push, such as Medicare for all. Since Democratic turnout was slightly lower than what they did in the midterms, you expect them to perform a bit worse and lose a few seats in the house.
The Newcomers
I agree with this, but then again it's not like you guys have him a chance.
Doesn't know how to bring out bipartisanship that much.
The world almost no longer respects us, and strongmen coddle with Donald Trump.
I agree he is the most divisive president we have ever had, but the media didn't help him at all.
True, but there are many politicians that do it more than him.
Continuing the policy of, and using the cages built by Biden/Obama.