Top Ten Potential Things That Can Open You Up to Demonic Possession

The Top Ten
1 Not Having Any Kind of Faith
2 Listening to Psychedelic Rock in the Bathroom
3 Screaming Inside an Abandoned House
4 Splashing Boiling Water in Empty Spaces
5 Pissing in the Desert/the Forest

Yes that is actually true, never urinate under a tree, for ghosts reside there.

6 Throwing and Kicking Rocks in Empty Lots

How does this make you potentially possessed?

7 Sleeping Under a Tree
8 Putting too Many Demonic Tattoos and Piercings
9 Looking into the Mirror for Two Hours Straight

Actually I tried tthat so many times to see something like that, but nothing happened

Wow that's so cool

10 Standing Naked at 3 AM in the Cemetery and Shouting Demon Names

So basically...if you shout my name loads of times in a graveyard I would magicially appear?

The Contenders
11 Practicing Witchcraft
12 Playing Ouija

I stay as far away from them as I can!

13 Befriending the Undertaker
14 Never Taking a Shower
15 Drinking Blood
16 Sleeping on Your Stomach

Really? I sleep on my stomach, but I don't think it will be a problem..

17 Not Listening to Rock Music
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