Most Powerful and Dangerous Fictional Items

The Top Ten
1 Infinity Sword

But didn't king author use this? - Unnamed Google User Remade

Take it off the list this is real

2 Infinity Gauntlet
3 Cosmic Cube
4 Chaos Emeralds
5 Seven World Rings
6 Mandarin's Rings
7 Tablet of Order and Chaos
8 Shen Gong Wu
9 Scepter of Darkness
10 The Darkhold
The Contenders
11 Horror's Hand
12 Ring of Power (Lord of the Rings)
13 Sceptre of Was

Was sceptres were used as symbols of power or dominion, and were associated with ancient Egyptian deities such as Set or Anubis as well as with the pharaoh.

14 Sburb
15 Sgrub
16 Mjölnir
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