Most Powerful Items in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Top Ten
1 The Infinity Stones
2 Gungnir
3 Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer)
4 Captain America's Shield
5 Iron Man Hulkbuster Armour
6 Hofund
7 Black Hole Grenade
8 Iron Man Mark 45 Armour
9 The Cradle
10 Stormbreaker
The Contenders
11 Yaka Arrow
12 War Machine Armor
13 Winter Soldier's Metal Arm
14 The Cloak of Levitation
15 Nick Fury's SUV

Honestly, it can do its own thing, plot out escape routs, survive bullets for an EXTREMELY long time, voice activate, auto-pilot, etc! It's like the Batmobile of Marvel! Should be top 3!

16 Black Panther Suit
17 Valkyrie's Sword
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