Prettiest Teen Wolf Girls

The Top Ten
1 Allison Argent

Look at this face she is so perfect

Such a cute, innocent face

She is so pretty

2 Malia Tate

She is the most beautiful Actress in the world. definitely Much more beautiful than Allison Argent

3 Lydia Martin

Absolutely Gorgeous. Her hair, makeup and style was always perfect. She should definitely be number one

4 Kira Yukimura
5 Erica Reyes
6 Melissa Mccall
7 Cora Hale
8 Braeden

You saw that seen with her and Derek in their under wear holding guns didn't you? Hot stuff. Sizzling hot stuff.

9 Tracy Stewart
10 Marin Morrell
The Contenders
11 Hayden Romero

So pretty, she's listed twice!

12 Kate Argent
13 Valerie Clarke
14 Tamora Monroe
15 Gwen
16 Kali
17 Jennifer Blake
18 Violet
19 Corinne "Desert Wolf"
20 Lori Talbot
21 Sydney
22 Victoria Argent
23 Noshiko Yukimura
24 Natalie Martin
25 Meredith Walker
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