Top Ten Problems With Pickle and Peanut

The Top Ten
1 The theme song sucks

You can't call this a theme song! It's like a 4 yr olds "cool" shopping list. Wow, Disney wow. How disappointed would Walt Disney be if he watched this!

This isn't even a theme song, it's a shopping list, well it feels like one

The theme song is so bad. It's just a pop song with awful lyrics.

2 The main characters are both unlikable
3 The creator is immature

He trash-talks whoever doesn't like the show on Twitter

4 The main characters are stock images

Literally. And the way Peanut's mouth moves reminds me of Pac-Man.

5 The rest of the animation sucks
6 It's on Disney

I wouldn't watch Pickle and Peanut but everyone uses hate speech on the creators of Mickey Mouse...theme parks Disney World and Disney Land...From Snow White they made many fairytales into movies (even if the plot could've been changed a bit)...Disney Channel isn't it a more expensive (paying) kids channel too Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network...Oh they steal everything Star Wars and Fox oh go and cry.

7 The acting is terrible
8 The creator has made 3 horrible shows

Fish Hooks wasn't horrible. Pickle and Peanut and Almost Naked Animals, however...well, this should be self-explainatory.

Pickle and Peanut, Fish Hooks, and Almost Naked Animals.

I'd say that Fish Hooks was more mediocre than horrible.

9 It has fans

I have a theory that the creator made this show as an experiment to create the worst show he could think of

10 It's low budget

While I hate this show, this isn't a valid reason to hate a show. South Park has an extremely low budget and episodes are completed in 2 weeks tops, and it's one of the best shows ever.

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11 They always say "next episode is better" after every episode

Wouldn't have to do much to make it better.

That is so false.

12 It tries to be Breadwinners

Eh, I despise both shows, but I will say that Breadwinners is even worse. Pickle and Peanut can at least do stuff that Breadwinners can't get away with.

Breadwinners was a terrible show to begin with, so a rip-off will inevitably be worse

13 It's gross
14 It is a ripoff of Sanjay and Craig

Let's just agree that both Sanjay and Craig and this crap are both medicore, OK?

15 The first episode
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