Top Ten Punishments That Are Easy to Live With

The Top Ten
1 No (insert item) for a day

Depends on the item, like if it was my iPad I'd be bored half to death.

If it was no phone for a day, I would go completely BERSERK.

No lungs for a day, I can survive that!

2 No dessert

I respect that punishment dessert has too much sugar it will rot your teeth and give diabetes

I rarely eat dessert due to a history of high blood sugar, so this is no problem for me.

3 You have to empty the garbage

Depends on just how big the garbage is, and if there is any liquid in it. I should know considering how often I take trash out at work.

This isn't a punishment...this is a chore!

4 You have to do the dishes

These are hardly punishments... Simply chores that are to be expected!

5 Clean your room

This is a chore, but no matter how hard I try, it just ends up messy again.

I like clean rooms so joke is on them

I like to keep my room clean

6 A relative has to bunk in your room

What kind of relative depends. If it's someone you would hate being around they would likely make your life miserable on purpose or something.

7 You have to give a dollar to your parents
8 Listen to something you hate
9 Jail time

No that is not easy to live with man

10 Watch something boring

Example (this did not happen):

Mom: Okay your punishment is to watch Barney and Friends for one hour.

Me: Oh heck no!

The Contenders
11 You have to eat a food you hate

Please no chicory.

12 Suspended from school

No, you parents will be mad at you.

It's like vacation

13 No TV

We all watch Netflix anyway.

14 Going to bed ten minutes early
15 Sit in the corner and think about what you did
16 Reduced computer time
17 Getting a ticket

Don't. I had to pay a $100 fine plus 70 extra for how fast I was going over.

18 Watch movies you don't like
19 Wearing a diaper
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