Top Ten Qualities of Dogs That Make Them Man's Best Friend

We all know the saying - for the many thousands of years we humans have lived on this planet, the one other species that has always been by our side throughout the good and bad, the war and peace, the struggles and is the domestic dog. Most people in the U.S. have a pet dog. They are smart creatures, they are talented...did you know a dog can smell up to 60x better than a human? They have protected us, working as military helpers, firehouse dogs...a dog cheers you up! Therapy dogs, other animal is as sensitive to human emotions than the dog.

This list is dedicated to the one other Earthling that has stuck with us, always by our side, through thick and thin. And will be by our side until the end. Woof!
The Top Ten
1 Loyalty

This is very true. Dogs are loyal and want to stay with their owner all the time. Usually Cats run away and come back and run away and come back, etc.

Your pet dog is more than a pet. It is a friend. It is your companion for times when no human can help you. Your dog knows when you're happy, sad, angry, depressed, tired, scared...your dog will always be there for you.

I'm more of a cat person but I love dogs too!

2 Sense of Humor

I agree my dog always has this little bottom row of teeth grin she pulls up when you call her name and you're holding food.

Dogs can be funny! Playing with your shoes, chasing their tails, barking for no reason, even smiling for pictures!

3 Friendliness

My dog always climbs over me when I come home from the school
Thus my dog is very friendly with my friends also.
He also sleeps with me at night time and he is only my alarm to wake up

No other animal can be as friendly as your dog. When you get home from work/school/etc. Your dog comes running to the door to greet you.

4 Helpfulness

They can smell a bomb, they help the military, they work as firehouse companions, therapy dogs. They are truly helpful animals.

5 Companionship

Your dog will always want to be with you. Whether it's going for walks, eating dinner (begging), sleeping, or just sitting around...this companion will never leave your side.

6 Intelligence

Uh, cats are already higher than dogs. They are excellent hunters and can pinpoint the exact time when they should pounce. A dog would just noisily run over to the animal, scaring it off. Also, cats can sense natural disasters and warn people. I heard a story of someone who's house was on fire and the dog snuck out the back door. The cat, however, warned the human and they both escaped. They never saw the dog again, so much for loyalty. For some reason, this story has been twisted by biased dog lovers into reversing the dog and the cat's roles. I could go on and on about why cats are better than dogs WITHOUT being biased like you dog lovers, but I'm just going to keep this simple. Cats > Dogs

7 Emotion
8 Kid-Friendly

A new puppy is all a little kid needs for pure joy.

9 Protection

A dog will stand at your side through almost anything.

10 Playfulness
The Contenders
11 History

Humans and dogs have been through a lot together.

12 Loving

When your having a bad day a dog is able to notice it and does everything it can do to make your day a whole lot better.

13 Resilience
14 Non-Judgemental

Dogs never judge any person, we humans do.

15 Dopey
16 They Care About the Owner

No, they don't. All pets do, except one, cats. Well, sure they sit on your lap and everything, but, if you cry do they come and help. In a movie I saw, the dog heard his owners yelp of pain and he came running to his owner to accompany him.

17 They Stay by Your Side
18 Faithfulness
19 Trustworthy
20 Cute
21 Persistence
22 Fast
23 Responsibility
24 Good Looking
25 Entertaining
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