Top Ten Qualities of a Slytherin

The Top Ten
1 Ambition

Yep. I thinks it's confirmed that I'm a Slytherin.

2 Cunning
3 Resourcefulness
4 Adaptable
5 Prepared
6 Realistic
7 Charming
8 Natural Leaders
9 Assertive
10 Maliciousness

The dark Slytherins common, especially with the founder putting a deadly beast in the dungeons that could only be opened by parselmouth.
Did you know the name Salazar was the name of a communist?

The Contenders
11 Intelligence

I think Slytherins are more of the clever type of smart, if you know what I mean.

It is primarily a ravenclaw trait, but slytherins are said to be intelligent as well

12 Greedy
13 Dark

I'm just saying with Lord Voldemort and Death Eaters.

14 Bossiness
15 Evil
16 Stupid
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