Top 10 Questions About TheTopTens to Ask TopTenners

The Top Ten
1 How do you feel about yourself as a user?

Well I transitioned into a forgotten user, to all of a sudden came back in the end of 2014, and this is who I ended up being today as one of the hardest working individuals of the site.

I might be popular I think so mostly of my valuable and cherished intelligence but I'm controversial because I'm not used to my identity and I was a perv since I was born but now I'm changed- Kevinsidis

I'm becoming better but I still suck
EDIT: Honestly, I'm improving a ton and I feel like I'm a good user.

I was already a pretty good user 3 years ago on my other account, now I can say that I'm even better.

2 What advice about making lists do you have?

Even if nobody is noticing your lists, if you feel they are good, keep making them and have a good amount of variety in your lists.

Put effort into everything, no matter how insignificant what you're doing seems

Be versatile, create some quality lists but have some fun and make bizarre shizz once in a while.

If not put detail into the items have a nice description at worst.

3 Is TheTopTens your favorite website?

No. In fact, it's one of my least favourite websites. The admins are ignorant and suspend people for no reason whatsoever (I got my account suspended just for making the list "Reasons Why Bananas Are Better Than The Admin). People don't respect opinions, and cyberbullies are everywhere! Youtube, Public Information Film Wiki, Encyclopedia Spongebobia, and The Wayback Machine are all way better! I respect this website for it's kind users though - Death_Metal_Lover

I spend most of my time on either here or Youtube

Yes! Although I don’t like some things that happen on here, the concept of the website is certainly my favorite.

TheTopTens is better than YouTube!

4 What is your favorite thing to do on TheTopTens?

Simply browsing and commenting on lists that I like is a fun thing to do.

Accept post comments because it makes my day when I get post comments.

Get banned. Just kidding, did you really think I wanted to be banned?

Remixing I mean how can I not take the chance to do so.

5 What do you think about your posts and lists?

My newer are better, but my previous were pretty bad sometimes, I made a post complaining about Toy Story 3 for no reason a long time ago...

My posts are better than my lists. Posts are my strength, lists are my weakness

What are my posts and lists? I think you mean "garbage and recycling."

They are okay. They're not as good as other users' lists and posts.

6 What do you think was the best year for TheTopTens?

I don't know too much about the site's history, but I feel like 2012-14 were years that seemed to show a significant peak in popularity for this site. So I congratulate those years.

I'm quite nostalgic about the 2013-2015 era. Lots of great users, lists and blogs, and there was a lot more diversity to things that came out of it.

2014, not only did I come back when it did have the blue vintage color, but that was at its most pinnacle golden age time period.

I was a user as of today which is 10:21 pm on Wednesday on November 21 2018 so I have to say 2018 although other people say 2018 is a bad year

7 What is your favorite post that you made?

That I made?
If we count ones that are still in our drafts then I have a new episode of Adam's Analysis that I think will be a good one.
If we don't count drafts, "Thoughts on the TTT generation crisis"

My second one, the one that offered an opportunity to give character traits for new characters. I knew I needed new characters, and was hoping to get some ideas.

A Sarcastic Overview of Rap Music was what started it all, and I think it's still one of my best ever. But I think my sarcastic overviews of P.E., Illuminati and air travel are all levels of hilarious.

None...? They are bad. I think it might be the voting for the Unofficial Winter 2018 Awards because people went on it and voted!

8 Who do you think is the best user?

Probably CharismaticKat. She convinced me to come back to TheTopTens and she’s an amazing person to talk to. She also has really interesting content.

Well, it's hard, if I had to choose, it would be a tie between 445956 and Gangem

Sike anbody but me might be Metal_Treasure of egnomac just in my humble opinion

A lot of people who are not me.

9 Who do you think has the best username?

Mila34 does, why else would I choose it?




10 What is your biggest accomplishment on TheTopTens?

I was at one point the most followed user, and have been on the top of the best users list for years now, but that came from a lot of effort being put into making my lists and posts funny and interesting. Sadly, a lot of people who have the honour of being ranked very high statistically never devoted so much to that that they would stand out. One may make hundreds of lists about video games, and some TopTenners even make hundreds of lists about one T.V. episode, but that was never groundbreaking. So one may have broken the record for most lists, but it doesn't make you the hardest-working person on here. To deserve that level of support from others is to show us what you're capable of.

So far, probably the list "Top Ten Musicians who Died in Their 30s"; that's my biggest list by far. Having said that, the moment I'm most proud of was finally getting past "Mayor of Michael Delving" on my stats; I never thought I was gonna get farther than that.

Not only being #1 on 4 different statistical categories, but almost double the amount of what alexandr's scores were given that time.

I guess my biggest accomplishment is having two Featured lists simultaneously. Twice.

The Contenders
11 Are there any users you'd like to come back to the site?

Probably christangrant. I understand his frustration with the site and his desire to leave, but I think the site could use a user like him as a role model.

Goes without saying that I'd like to see Alexandr back. It's a shame his contributions have seemingly been forgotten now.

Of course. I do understand and acknowledge the users intentions for exiting however.

I'd like to see TurkeyAsylum or someone else like that come back.

12 If there was only one feature on TheTopTens, what would you want it to be?

Lists. The primary purpose of this site is to make lists.

Lists. If there weren't lists, this wouldn't even exist.

I would want it to be commenting.


13 What is your favorite post series?

I'm not much for elimination game posts. Personally, I prefer post series that focus more on talking about certain aspects of the world, or merely this site.
Going by that, Ludicrous Lists (turkeyasylum), Fact Check (Kiteretsunu), and Sarcasm Series (PositronWildhawk) would be my personal biggest enjoyments.

So far, my favorite is The Delightfully Depraved TopTens Killing Game. Even though it only has 2 episodes right now.

I assure you Top Tens Catfish will be amazing once I get people to sign up.

A tie between Fight for life and Delightfully Depraved TopTens killing game.

14 Do you have a TTT crush?

Nah. I don't know anyone here well enough that I have a crush on them. Also, you have to draw a line between "friendship" and "romance", especially on people you don't know personally.

I used to but I've grow out of them.

Ew online relationships disgusting

No. I don’t even want a crush here.

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