Top 10 Questions About YouTube to Ask TopTenners

The Top Ten
1 Have you ever posted a video?
2 What type of YouTube comments do you hate the most?

First comments and comments that have links that send you to some "darker" parts of the internet.

First, who’s watching in (insert year), born in the wrong generation, like for (option A) comment for (option B).

3 Watch videos or make videos?

I'd rather watch videos

4 What's the weirdest video you have seen?
5 Who's your favorite YouTuber?

Any YouTuber that provides news or information on interesting topics

6 When did you start watching videos?

My whole life. YT came out the year I was born and my parents sometimes showed me educational videos

7 YouTube or Twitch?

Definitely Twitch.

8 Who's the most underrated YouTuber?
9 Who is your least favorite YouTuber?

DaddyOFive, and Logan Paul have done disgusting things, so them.

Logan Paul and Jake Paul

10 Would you rather have videos that you hate making, yet everyone seems to love, or make videos that you love to make but don't get that many views?

I choose the second option

The Contenders
11 If you had to meet and greet any Youtuber, Who would you wanna meet?
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