Questions You Can Get In the Most Trouble for Asking

The Top Ten
1 Is it a boy or a girl? (When she's overweight, not pregnant)

That's just mean. If you can't decide whether they're fat or pregnant,leave it alone.

This one is the best, how would you get in trouble for saying hows the baby!?!?

hahahah! hilarious, I crack up whenever I hear about this kind of stuff! hahah

To someone how is overweight and NOT pregnant. OOps.

2 Are you Korean?

Japanese: No.
Chinese: No.
Tiwanese: No.
Korean: No.

I dislike discrimination and Korean.

What did they do, in their last life!?

3 Are we there yet?

it's the most annoying sentence ever!

4 How's the baby?
5 How much money do you make?
6 Is that your natural hair color?

I've never been asked this, simply because no one would dye their hair the colour that I have.

I'm dying my hair because I hate my haircut

No I meant my hair color

7 Really, you're that old?

old people get offended by it

8 What gender are you?

I'm a girl who shaved my hair off for cancer patients and now I get asked this question ALL THE TIME when I go out in public. It's annoying and it offends me because people are implying that I look like a dude.

Maybe I've been living under a rock my whole life, but I've never heard anyone get truly offended by this. Both SJW's and people complaining about SJW's are equal crybabies.

You don't even have to ask this question to get in trouble for it. Any pronoun usage will trigger an SJW.

9 Do I have to do it?

I said this to my parents and they got offended.

10 Wow, I can't see your zits at all, how'd you do it?

Asking this is just like spelling "I think" wrong.

The Contenders
11 What's a period?

Uh, you know when you switch classes in school, and the time you spend in the class... He, he, he. Actually, I don't wanna explain what it really is...

It's a point made by the pen to end a sentence. Here in the UK, we call a period a full stop.

I HAVE IT RIGHT NOW. and I'm mad at everything.

I'd say the end of your sentence

12 Do you know how to read?
13 Do you speak English?
14 Are you gonna tell my parents?
15 Want to have sex? (when you're underaged)

Uh, hell no. I'm only about 11 years old. Do I need this experience at this age?! I'm too YOUNG! MOMMY, HELP ME

Heck no! I'm 10 almost 11

16 Where do babies come from?

This happened before... I used to think it was kissing. Then puberty videos happened...

17 Are you Chinese? (To a random Asian person)
18 How much money do you have?
19 Why am I here?
20 Can I have some money?
21 Why are you fat?
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