Top Ten Best Quotes by Medic from Team Fortress 2

The Top Ten
1 "I experimented on my own head!" (laughs maniacally)
2 "All I can tell you about zis next procedure is zat it vill be... excruciating!"
3 "Teeeeeeam!"
4 "Did ze Fräuleins have zeir Mittelschmerz?"
5 "Would you like a second opinion? You are also ugly!"
6 "Velcome to the 've lose vonce again'-fest."
7 "From now on, losing is verboten!"
8 "Danke, mein (my) hard-hatted friend!"
9 (Quietly) Did zat sting? (Louder) Saw-ry!
10 "Ve did it, Kamerad!"
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