Top Ten Quotes Made by TheTopTens Member PositronWildhawk

PositronWildhawk has made nearly 800 comments so choosing the top ten was a task and a half! Most of them are too long to add but I think I may have found the top ten shortest and best.
The Top Ten
1 Imagine your face when your car starts hurtling 100 mph into your own office and you just think, "oh crap."

From his own list, Worst Places To Crash Your Car. I could picture it and it made me laugh!

We ought to make a quote book. Give it to him when he wins a Nobel prize.

2 Eh? Not trying to sound Canadian but. Eh?

Eh I wasn't Aboot Yo Vote for this But ya know this options would go well with our Igloo's & we Ride Polar bears to Tim Horton's To get Some Bacon with Maple Syrup then afterward go back to our lumberjack job & Get some Toonies & Loonies for all the Oil & Alberta Beef for the Big Hockey GameZ!

Can't remember what list this was a reply to but does it matter if it's funny?

3 Oh God, I would rather get my tongue caught in a meat blender than appear in Dora The Explorer.

Okay, so let's just say this is one of the funniest quotes ever. Capiche? Capiche.

4 Meh

That is a can't decide between yes and no answer

So simple and random. But this makes me laugh

Still more thought-provoking than mine

I had this as my catchphrase for a while.

5 It's true. I hate his guts (about Justin Bieber)

No mincing his words, this chap. Whew!

I couldn't agree more with this one.

How very nice.

6 Science - I like it a lot

My username is POSITRONWildhawk for a reason. If you don't know, a positron is the electron's antiparticle. Boy, am I a nerd?!?!

He's addicted, apparently. I like this comment because it's sincere and, well, very PositronWildhawk.

Uh you're not a nerd because your acually cool and I'm currently following

Yes. Science is amazing.

7 In the words of Confucius, everything has beauty, it's just that not everyone sees it. Had Confucius known that Nicki Minaj would exist, his philosophy would have been globally questioned.

If Confucius known James Charles would exist, his philosophy would've been globally questioned.

This was a hilarious quote. And it makes fun of Nicki Minaj. Everything a great quote needs.

This should be number 1! It's the greatest quote ever!

8 It's clearlx a lion. It looks nothing like a bear. (talking about Peugeot on Car Companies With Coolest Logos list)
9 This guy is skunk obsessed

Can't remember what the list was, but almost everything was to do with skunks. Why, may I ask, are people so strange?

On a list about Skunks. Short quote but amusing.

Yeh. This is laugh out loud. Awesome!

10 You wish barney was real????? That's it, your off those pills

If you want Barney to be real there's a 99.9 percent chance you're drunk or on drugs.

I found this on characters who should be real.

This one made me laugh!

The Contenders
11 Well, yeah. Duh. Doing nothing is like doing. . .nothing!

States the obvious does our PositronWildhawk.

12 I love chess. Don't know where I'd be without it.

In answer to that querie, my king would be stuck between two rooks and all other pieces would be clustered together to the left of my opponent, had I not done chess when I was three.

13 dyslexia is an anagram of daily sex

I know. Ironic, isn't it. The irony makes it hilarious!

14 Now that I've killed myself, I need to rethink my life. Ah well. Meh.
15 (On living in the wild) Go, be my guest, live in a baking hot insect-full mindless jungle and come back with a long pointed stick and an offering to the mango tree god. You crazy, crazy person.

Silence positonwildhak I may be dank god but I banged the tree mango god and I'm need to offended or else she will dump me

16 The brain comes with a free power supply! It's just that sometimes the current is direct, and sometimes it's alternating.

Yep that's true.It is powerhouse of thoughts, ideas everything behind what we do what we write. It's the impulses which are basically at root level current.

17 Rectom op is an anagram of computer
18 In response to Britgirl: Did that happen? (on crashing you car into your ex boyfriend's wedding)
19 They may be in a superposition but I wouldn't like to have to collapse this wave function. (On "Scratched Groins" being an anagram of "Schrodinger's Cat")
20 Bless that noisy lunatic (referring to Skrillex)
21 Anonymous, it's clear that your stupidity exceeds that of even a baby who uses his/her first and second teeth to permanently plug his/her only two sources of milk.
22 You honestly think sex should be banned? Great notion. I welcome the ever rising population of our world without sex.
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