Random Things to Do In a Supermarket

The Top Ten
1 Take items out of other shoppers' trolleys

And than run to the checkouts!

2 Give security guards the run around
3 Lie on a trolley, play dead, and get your friends to dress as surgeons and rush you across every aisle

Wow lots of these are just plain mean.

4 Drop scoops of ice cream down random people's necks
5 Ask the cashier to order your items by probability of it killing you
6 Put items into other shoppers' trolleys

Oh, those tampons aren't mine. Eh never mind...

Imagine their shopping bill!

7 Shout "Hi I'm Barry Scott. Have you tried Cilit Bang lately?"

My brother has done this and was promptly told to "shut up! "

8 Twerk at the checkouts
9 Just get to the checkout with a full trolley and tell the cashier you have forgotten something and don't return

I have seen people doing this

10 Stand at the checkout with an over-full trolley and refuse to let the person behind you who only has a newspaper, go first.

Nice list, Britgirl. Haha! Every item here was really funny.

The Contenders
11 Criticize every item the person next to you has in their trolley

My dad does that a lot.

"Hey did you know sausages can bring you certain illnesses! "

Then I choose wether to hide somewhere or just walk pretending I don't know him. great list Britgirl!

12 Announce loudly that you have entered the wrong shop and that you should have gone to Specsavers

I'd really laugh if I heard this.

13 Tell the cashier to get a move on because you need the loo
14 Sing the GoCompare song
15 Sing the SpongeBob theme song over the loudspeaker
16 Push a shopping cart full speed into a shelf and see if the shelf falls over

If not a lot will fall over anyway. Run away right when it hits

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