Top Ten Random Things to Say to Captain America

The Top Ten
1 That's the face of a god damn hero right there
2 Stare into the eyes of patriotism
3 Yeah, you're really determined
4 Ceramic egg!
5 Don't talk s*** about total
6 Hey old timer, how's your hammer hanging?
7 You can do a backflip? Big deal
8 You motherf*****, I'm gonna F****** beat the S*** out of you!
9 Ow! My dick!
10 Damn, you're old
The Contenders
11 You're totally lifelike
12 Well if it isn't Captain Canada!

Nah, this would be the most embarrassing thing to say.

13 What if I told you that your entire life is a series of low-budget comic books?
14 How'd you get that 8 pack?
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