Top Ten Most Rational Fears That Students Have at School

This isn't reasons why kids hate school or the absolute worst things that can happen, it's what students are afraid to face.
The Top Ten
1 Fear of getting a bad grade while everyone else in the class gets a good grade

I think its actually troubling how many nightmares I get that I have a test I'm unprepared for and get shamed in front of the whole school for being stupid...

This is me! I always fail my tests, and then, there's everyone else who passes! Even the ones who are naughty, & get suspended & stuff still get good grades.

This was once a mortifying fear of mine when I had had little time to plan my research project. That's behind me, though.

2 Fear of being bullied

The sad irony is, you are afraid of them but you have to look strong against them.

3 Fear of crowded hallways filled with other students

I feel bad for my shortest of friends who have to watch out for people with a lot of momentum. Especially since I am one of those larger individuals.

I had this problem, it's a mess most of the time.

4 Fear of missing the bathroom

I really wouldn't wanna imagine this.

5 Fear of getting caught doing something wrong

Let's say you have friends doing something incredibly dumb and against school regulations. What if they vamoose and you had no idea what happened and one of the staff confronts you?

Because of those awful snitches.

6 Fear of not having lunch money
7 Fear of being tardy to class

And possibly having to explain why you are late.

8 Fear of too much homework

It's all too real for of my classes has already assigned a huge question sheet and five essays for Easter break.

9 Fear of gym class

Yep. Gym sucks butt!

10 Fear of simply being around upperclassmen
The Contenders
11 Fear of teachers humiliating you
12 Fear of going in the opposite sex's toilet by accident
13 Fear of the teacher

I hated my high school special ed teacher

Especially if the teacher is mean to you.

14 Fear of police
15 Fear of losing the key to their house

This happened to me yesterday. I tried picking the deadbolt with paperclips, but that failed, so I entered through the window (I had to break the window screen and unlock the burglar bars before I could climb inside and land on my bed) before unlocking the door and going back around to retrieve my backpack. It's a good thing I'm skinny enough to fit through my own apartment window.

16 Fear of being held back
17 Fear of getting beat up
18 Fear of untidy desks
19 Fear of getting a B+

I am Asian and if I get a B+ my parents will think that I am not studying enough

20 Fear of security
21 Fear of getting disgusting cafeteria food
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