Top Ten Most Rational Reasons for Getting Frustrated at a Video Game

The Top Ten
1 You keep losing
2 This one boss is too difficult.
3 (In a multiplayer FPS) You keep getting fragged

One of the reasons I actually refrain from multiplayer. People can be very cheap.

4 (In a platformer) You keep missing a crucial jump

NES Ninja Gaiden, I'm looking at you.

5 You keep getting swarmed by enemies.
6 You've tried everything at one point or another but aren't making any notable progress
7 Someone nearby either wants to play or tells you to stop playing.

Most notable in a game which doesn't have a good save function. It just takes your concentration away.

8 You have to keep watching the same (unskippable) cutscene over and over again

Goes hand-in-hand with "you keep losing".

9 Save data corruption

I made this list SEVEN YEARS AGO and somehow forgot about this. An example is Valkyrie Profile 2 with it's insane anti-cheating measure.

10 People keep asking you if you play it

Don't even get me started on the little kids who think I play this stuff due to not being an old fogey.

The Contenders
11 Someone spoils the ending of the game.
12 The level is too hard
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