Top 10 Reactions to 10/20 Mode in Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location

The Top Ten
1 This Isn't that Bad! 5 Minutes Later: God Damn It

Don't celebrate too early, kids!

Don't celebrate too early.

2 The Story is Now Complete! Now What...

Run around in circles!

3 I Regret My Life Choices
4 Funtime Freddy: Bon Bon Go Get Him Me: Bon Bon Go Screw Yourself

I agree, Bon Bon needs to screw himself!

5 I Still Regret My Life Choices

And still the same for me.

6 (Insanity Starts Kicking In) Well Time to Break the Computer

Kicking in What? Triggered mode?

7 So Much Coffee for This..
8 Ha People Say that the 20/20 Mode on Fnaf 2 Was Hard Ha Ha Ha

Next reaction: Ah $#@#.

9 (Theories Theories So Much Theories)

Theories that aren't just correct...

10 Scott: Well I Can't Beat I Think Looks Like the Fans Will Have to Do It! Us: Ugh Too Hard

Scott, why do you let us down?

The Contenders
11 TURBULENCE!!!!!!!
12 You: Please don't kill me Bonnet. Please don't kill me Bon- Bon. Please don't...Bon - Bon: Bonnet? Kill him.
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