Top Ten Reasons Admin Should Let Us Delete Lists

The Top Ten
1 Admin doesn't have to let every list get deleted
2 We can delete posts, why not lists?

Because all the users who commented on the list and remixed the list will be removed

3 Admin owes us after making the awful policy

This was actually a good reason

Yeah, it's the least he can do

4 The list isn't relevant
5 Lists are sometimes very cringey

Yeah, because some people hate December 2017 so much and they wish it didn’t happen and they made a bad list and used to be a bad user.

6 You realize it was just like another list, but worded differently
7 The lists we want to delete usually don't have well-written comments
8 The list may be offensive
9 The list got ruined by trolls

You can error report,and sometimes troll items can be removed

10 People could still see comments on their profile if the list was deleted

Most probably not,merging a list won't effect the comments but deleting lists can cause deletion of comments and as well remixes

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